NDA Division

The various NDA Centres have an international reputation for the sale of antiques and fine art. Of all the NDA Divisions, this is probably the most self-explanatory. The volume of television programmes covering this subject gives a basic grasp to those without any knowledge or experience in fine art & antiques.
NDA Grantham & Lincoln Proprietor, Auctioneer & Valuer Colin Young MRICS FNAVA is the Divisional Head of the NDA Fine Art & Antiques Division and in 2002 became an on-screen antiques expert for the BBC. Colin has appeared in more than 100 TV programmes as either expert Valuer or Auctioneer, on programmes such as the Antiques Show and Bargain Hunt and is a regular expert contributor to Radio Lincolnshire.
In 1996 Colin became the ISVA Young Auctioneer of the Year, also a three time runner-up for the National Award and was also the 2003 recipient of the Antiques Trade Gazette Ivor Turnbull Memorial Prize for Professional Assessment.
With changes in technology over the last ten years, the strength of provincial auctioneers has increased many-fold. The myth of London being the only place to sell quality items has been well and truly crushed in recent times. With the use of the Internet and live on-line bidding, world records are being created throughout the provinces. What has really changed is that, in the past, if you had anything of quality you had to take it to the marketplace. Today, the marketplace comes to the goods; the NDA network has access to all UK regions.
NDA Grantham is a case in point. Instructed to sell a fine breakfront Regency mahogany sideboard the NDA branch raised bidding way above the £60,000 mark from regional bidders, and secured international interest with a final overseas bid by telephone of £135,000 Top

NDA Automotive Division last year securely stored 91,000 vehicles and sold by auction more than 51,000 vehicles across its UK network of 17 auction sites totalling more than 98 acres.
Wilsons Auctions head up the NDA Automotive Division as owner operators of NDA Belfast, Birmingham, Dublin, Glasgow, Portadown and Stratford sites. Wilsons are the largest independent car auction company in the British Isles and Ireland with a trading history stretching back to 1936, founded by William J Wilson and now Directed by son, Ian Wilson.
Wilsons Auctions were responsible the first car auction in Ireland as well as being the only member of the Society of Motor Auctions in Northern Ireland. Wilsons Auctions is the first and only auction house in Ireland to hold ISO 9001:2000 accreditation for quality standards and excellence of service ad has the only purpose built auction complexes in Ireland.
Wilsons Auctions is a member of the Society of Motor Auctions SMA and the Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute IAVA. Its client portfolio includes Lombard, AIG, BMW, Renault & Peugeot.
NDA Automotive operations are supported by six other NDA Members through 7 additional active vehicle auction sites. Top

The NDA has a solid track record of providing multi site asset solutions for both the public & private sector. The NDA works to enhance recoveries by securing stock and asset
portfolios from distressed sites, relocating them to the NDA's owner operated auction facilities where they can be secured for greater remarketing lead time and secondary market auction offerings, thus avoiding distressed fire sales and targeted, ultimately, achieving more pence in the pound for all stakeholders through more targetted auction disposals.
The vast majority of NDA members undertake such services, all such enquiries should be directed to NDA Head Office. Top

From surplus automotive parts disposals through to engineering restructuring projects and corporate site relocations, the NDA has decades of experience supporting UK PLC and the corporate private sector with asset
management solutions.
Past case studies have included the remarketing and auction sale of footwear manufacturing machinery on the Isle of Man on behalf of a Marks & Spencer supplier relocating to the Far East; surplus automotive engines and parts remarketing and sold by auction for a bespoke automotive maufacturer in the West Midlands and full office clearances for PLCs across the UK, providing transport and full inventory remarketing and auction sale for IT, office equipment & furniture.
The vast majority of NDA members undertake such services, all such enquiries should be directed to NDA Head Office. Top

The NDA’s Enforcement Division is managed by CWH via their sister organisation Harrison High Court Enforcement and John Pye & Sons (via subsidiary company Julious) and spans England and Wales.
The NDA Enforcement Division offers an unrivalled tangible infrastructure which underpins pro active recovery strategies, delivered with discreet professionalism to safeguard clients’ commercial interests - both bottom line and brand identity. With 3 High Court Enforcement Officers, plus Certified Bailiffs, recoveries are maximised by the innovative and pragmatic usage of in-the-field operatives.
Benefitting from on-site auction and storage facilities, assets are managed swiftly and effectively from seizure through to sale. Online Client Systems include One Step offering the client 24 hour access to monitor progress of a case and ‘Transfer Up’ which enables clients to submit CCJ details for transferral to the High Court.
Clients range from HM Revenue Customs, Landlords and Property Management Companies, Councils and Businesses. Areas of expertise include: Tracing, Sundry & Book Debt Recovery, Commercial Rent Distraint and Forfeitures, Writs of Possession and Trespasser Eviction. Top

The NDA's national network of 17 auction facilities provides Finance clients with a robust asset management solution to successfully mange national Finance requirements, from asset recovery & repossessions through to relocation,
reconditioning, remarketing and auction sale.
NDA Finance clients include most of the biggest national Finance Houses and the majority of assets under management incorporate aviation, marine, construction plant & machinery, automative and technology.
The NDA has a solid track record of providing multi site asset solutions, working to enhance recoveries by securing stock and asset portfolios from distressed sites, relocating them to the NDA's owner operated auction facilities where they can be secured for greater remarketing lead time and secondary market auction offerings, thus avoiding distressed fire sales and targeted, ultimately, achieving more pence in the pound for all stakeholders through more targeted auction disposals.
The vast majority of NDA members undertake such services, all such enquiries should be directed to NDA Head Office. Top

The NDA's Government Division is headed up by NDA co-founders John Pye & Sons, who have successfully provided approved disposals models for both Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs and the Department of Transport Driver and
Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), providing both Central Government departments with national valuation, storage and auction serices.
The NDA is Office of Government Commerce approved by the UK Government, with the NDA recognised as an approved valuation and auction supplier to the public sector.
NDA Members have also provided such services for many years to the UK Government Insolvency Services Official Receivers across the UK, managing tens of thousands of bankruptcy assets ranging from private & commercial vehicles through to trader wholesale stock holdings and personal valuables. Top

NDA Members undertake insolvency instructions on a daily basis, with clients ranging from the UK's Big Four Accountancy practices to individual Insolvency Practitioners and the UK Government Insolvency Service's Official
The NDA network manages more than 5,000 personal and corporate insolvency instructions a year, these range from bankruptcy vehicles through to large scale liquidations of industrial firms such as haulage, construction plant & machinery and engineering works to name but a few.
The NDA's resourceful, experienced and established network of family owner operated auction facilities across 98 acres provides Recovery Professionals and Insolvency Practitioners with a robust supplier model to utilise for all manner of complex instructions.
The full scope of the NDA provides asset risk management and security through the NDA's Enforcemnet division, providing asset recovery & relocation services. NDA Logistics provide site clearance services across the UK, alternatively in-situ auction sales can be held depending on site considerations.
Either way, the NDA's prolific volume of varied weekly, monthly and annual auction sales across all industry sectors provides clients and creditors with the greatest Secondary Market reach to achive optimum realisarions and, ultimately, more pence in the pound recovery on distressed stock and asset portfolios. Top

Colin Young MRICS FNAVA (Personal Property). NDA Insurance (Personal Property) Sub Division produces Home Contents Insurance Reports, complied on a section-by-section basis reflecting the level of risk for each category: jewellery, antique furniture, clocks, porcelain which all have separate ratings. A full valuation of home contents is the first process in saving money on premiums and, more importantly, acquiring the correct home contents insurance cover.
Once a full report has been produced to give to your potential insurers, only then will your insurer know the risks that need cover in order to provide a competitive policy and premium. Colin Young and NDA Grantham (Golding Young) are recognised service providers for HSBC, Hiscox and other leading insurers, having provided such services in the UK and in France for these clients.
NDA Insurance (Commercial Assets) Sub Division harnesses the NDA's UK wide network of Plant and Machinery Valuers, with experts able to provide reports on the current replacement value of equipment in the current market.
These valuations are underpinned by a solid barometer of weekly auction sales data on construction plant & machinery based upon some of the largest industrial auction sales offerings within the UK & Ireland, such as Hewden Plant Hire and Wilsons Auctions' Annual Ireland Tractor Auction. Top

NDA members Thimbleby & Shorland head the sale of Livestock, having been Livestock Auctioneers since they were established in 1901 as Auctioneers at Reading Market.
Thimbleby & Shorland hold regular horse & pony sales at Reading, as well as dispersal, reduction and breed society sales of Heavy Horses and Driving Horses all over the country.
Through their membership of the Livestock Auctioneers’ Association they have strong links with agricultural livestock auctioneers, so a sale of Livestock of any kind, anywhere, can be arranged with confidence through NDA Reading. NDA Leeds and NDA Ireland also provide livestock auction support services and sales as and when required to cover all UK regions. Top

NDA Swindon (The Hilditch Group) head up the NDA Medical Division and are UK market leaders for the disposal of medical assets for the NHS and all major health groups, having managed disposals for more than 80% of all acute NHS Trusts
plus many in the private sector.
NDA Medical Division holds a medical equipment sale once a month at NDA Swindon - the only regular medical equipment auction in the UK.
Hilditch Medical auctions were established in 1992 and are ISO 9001 registered, guaranteeing that any items consigned to their management are fully traceable throughout, from completion of entry forms on collection to fully itemised accounts and payment 20 working days after sale.
Hilditch’s handling of unsalable equipment conforms to the latest Environment Agency rules on hazardous waste disposal and WEEE recycling and the firm has built up an extensive database of UK and overseas buyers and was awarded the Queen’s Award for Innovation: International Trade in Summer 2011. Top

NDA Plant & Machinery Division is headed up by Wilsons Auctions in Ireland and the North of the Uk and by NDA Reading in the South of the UK.
NDA Reading hold regular Contractors’ Plant & Machinery sales at their premises; these sales amount to about 3,500 Lots all sold on one day from premises that comprise about an acre of open compound plus about 35,000 square feet of buildings. In addition the firm has carried out substantial auction disposals across the country for large Plant Hire companies such as Speedy Hire and Hewden Plant.
In 2009 NDA Reading undertook a 3 day disposals auction for Speedy Hire and for several years we conducted an annual auction for Hewden Plant. In addition NDA Reading regularly sell agricultural machinery, and vintage machinery & vehicles, taking place at both Reading Auction Market and on clients’ premises all across the country. Top

NDA Grantham & Lincoln Proprietor, Auctioneer & Valuer Colin Young MRICS FNAVA is the Divisional Head of the NDA Probate Division. Colin manages the NDA network of Probate Valuers, who have the expertise and geographical coverage to
fulfil the requirements of executors in virtually all deceased estates.
With expertise covering the valuation of jewellery, antiques and fine art, motor vehicles and general chattels, we can cover the full criteria required for the completion of HM Revenue & Customs Schedule IHT407 required for the grant of probate.
Reports can be produced for the most complex of instructions focusing on high net worth deceased estates comprising multiple properties and assets in various locations; these can be produced within a single instruction to RICS standards.
Colin's attention to detail is well noted in his field; one past example is of a small Victorian oil painting of undoubted quality but un-attributable upon first inspection after spotting it on a valuation open day. After three months of research, it was found to be by the artist James Campbell, had been exhibited at The Royal Society of Artists and originally priced at £10.10/-.0d. When offered for sale one hundred and forty years later by NDA Grantham, it realised £15,000 - at the time the second highest price achieved for the artist. The work of art is now in the Tate Collection.
In 2010 NDA was awarded a Framework Agreement for the Valuation and Auction Sale of Antiques and Fine Art belonging to Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs Estates Division throughout the provincial regions of the United Kingdom for 5 years. Top

NDA Land & Property division is headed up Wilsons Auctions in Ireland in the North of the UK and by Thimbleby & Shorland in the South of the UK.
Wilsons Auctions have been Auctioneers since 1936 and since that date have been selling Land and Property. Its Property Division holds regular auctions in Northern
Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, England & Wales with portfolios of residential, commercial and investment opportunities. Each Wilson auction centre has a Property Re-Marketing Department and the firm has sold a mix of Commercial and Residential property as well as Land and other
Development Opportunities from Ireland to Scotland and Germany to America. Wilsons Auctions clients include Finance Houses, Asset Management Companies, Insolvency Practitioners, Probate Solicitors, Government Bodies, Councils, Estate Agents and Private Individuals.
Over 1600 properties are put to public auction through Wilsons Auctions per year , the division is headed up by Rebecca Wilson. Recent examples include:
- Horticultural Site
Instruction by: PricewaterhouseCoopers
Summary: Selling a 19.8 acre nursery on the Liquidator
- Daewoo Factory
Instruction by: Daewoo Company
Summary: The sale of the prime 23 acre site & 22,000 square foot manufacturing unit
- Irish Fertiliser Industries Ltd [in liquidation]
Instruction by: KPMG
Summary: The disposal of a complete Fertiliser Plant and Production company.
NDA Reading head up the NDA Land & Property Division in the south of the UK and are well established Chartered Surveyors having been trading since 1901.
Their land agency department, headed up by Chris Boreham, deals with issues such as quota, compulsary purchase and landlord and tenancy agreements and Thimbleby & Shorland have acted as agents in the valuation and sales of all types of assets for national and regional Liquidators and Receivers for more than 25 years, they are also agents for the Official Receiver in Reading and other OR offices.
Recent land and property deals include the marketing and successful sale of Uplands Farm & Stables in Compton, Berkshire; a first class riding stables and modern self-contained Racehorse Training facility set in over 170 acres of grassland in the Berkshire Downs. The property comprises 2 houses, 61 high quality boxes, indoor ride, office, all-weather and grass gallops, schooling field, 3 cattle/youngstock yards, hay and straw storage, grass paddocks and fields. Top

NDA Retail manages more than 12,000 pallets of retail stock per annum for 60% of the UK's Top 10 Non-Food Retail PLCs, with consignments collected and delivered from across UK retail distribution hubs primarily to the NDA's
Central Operations Centre in Nottingham, owner operated by John Pye & Sons, NDA co-founders and NDA Retail Divisional heads.
NDA Nottingham has more than 9 experience of managing retail stock holdings ranging from customer returns through to seasonal clearance, insurance write off stock and store closure residue, processing more than 1.2m retail items (ranging from laptops and flat panel TVs to furniture and home wares) across five dedicated salerooms with over 2,000 power and aerial points and two bidding rooms on a 5.2 acre auction site, data wiping and reconditioning electrical items for subsequent live and online auctions with at least three such sales every week.
Examples of significant instructions managed by NDA Retail include:
- The collection, relocation, storage, remarketing and auction sale of 48 x 40ft trailers of residue stock from 109 UK stores subject to a UK Retail PLC restructuring operation.
- The collection, storage, processing, remarketing and auction sale of more than 700 pallets of seasonal clearance hard line stocks for a major UK Supermarket PLC with throughput and payment achieved within 8 weeks.
- National furniture clearance instruction from a UK leading department store chain with more than 15 x 40ft trailers of furniture stock collected from Southampton to Aberdeen distribution centres, relocated to NDA Nottingham for process, remarketing and auction sale.
NDA Nottingham auction sales have featured in The Guardian, The Sunday Times, The Times and on BBC 2's Money Programme, Channel 5's The Gadget Show, BBC Radio 2 and on regular prime time ITV advertising. Top